# Neohelden Neo is a self-learning AI-assistant for businesses that can be used via voice and chat. With Neo you can automate processes, increase operational efficiency and level up the user experience. Turn customers and employees into superheroes - with Neo and CVG. ![Neohelden logo](neohelden-logo.png) ## Project Setup To build voice bots using Neohelden and CVG, you need accounts in both platforms respectively. ### Neohelden 1. Create an Account
To use the Neo Enterprise Assistant Platform (NEAP) , an account is mandatory.
You can set this account up by contacting Neohelden: [hello@neohelden.com](mailto:hello@neohelden.com). 1. Activate VIER CVG integration (contact Neohelden) ### CVG 1. Create an Account
If you do need an account in CVG please contact [support@vier.ai](mailto:support@vier.ai). 1. Set up a project
To set up a NEAP bot in *CVG*, create a project in CVG by filling the fields in each "SETTINGS" section. Select a "Platform Phone Number". In the bot configuration section, you link with the the NEAP project by selecting *Neohelden* as Template and by providing the *Bot Token* and the *Bot URL*.