# CVG 1.11.0 (01-June-2021) This is our first release with our new branding! We are VIER now. VIER GmbH was formed in 2021 from the merger of the companies 4Com, voiXen, parlamind, Lindenbaum and PRECIRE. These communication technology specialists have combined their years of expertise and in-depth knowledge. VIER sees itself as a pioneer for the future of intelligent, communication-driven work. ![VIER - we are joining forces](vier-we-are-joining-forces.png) For more information visit our new website [vier.ai](https://vier.ai). ## New Branding ### What remains? Technically, nothing changes for you. The login credentials and API tokens remain unchanged. Your contact person will also only change in exceptional cases. This will be communicated to you personally. ### What is new? We slightly changed our product name. VIER Cognitive Voice Gateway (CVG) is the new name, better representing the gateway functionality of our product: connecting telephony with voice, conversational AIs and speech analytics. The product web pages are presented in the new design. Nothing will change in the functionality of the product but the new features we present with our regular updates just as before. ![Cognitive Voice Gateway in new design](vier-rebranding.png) ## Health After a lot of positive feedback about providing more health information in our Health API and UI we now provide even more details. ### API and UI: Transcriber and Synthesizer Health Events `TranscriptionFailed` and `SynthesisFailed` health events have been added to [Health API](/specs/?urls.primaryName=Health%20API). The Health tab of a project now also shows transcriber and synthesizer errors in our UI. ### API: Time Range limited The maximum time range for [Health API](/specs/?urls.primaryName=Health%20API) requests is now limited to 31 days. ### API: Single EndpointCallFailed event The `BotCallFailed`, `AssistEndpointCallFailed` and `WebhookCallFailed` were merged into a single `EndpointCallFailed` health event. It instead has an `api` field to indicate which of the three APIs it belongs to. ### UI: Improved Health View in Project Overview For a better overview of warnings and errors in your CVG projects we removed the question mark for projects without any call in the last 10 minutes. Only warnings and errors are indicated in the Project Overview now. ### UI: Selection of Time Period in Health Tab Now it's possible to select a time period in the health tab to determine health status for up to 31 days. Before it was possible for the last 10 minutes only. Time periods can be given via selection of a time range or relative, e.g. last 30 minutes. In this way, we would like to enable you to find and solve problems that have arisen in the past more easily. ### UI: Improved Auto-Refresh UI in Dashboard and Health Tab Automatic refreshes on the health tab could be annoying if the error you were looking at suddenly disappears. We have now enhanced the UI to make it more obvious that the data refreshes automatically and give you more control over the behavior: ![Auto refresh UI](auto-refresh-ui.png) You can now see when the data was last updated, disable auto-refresh and/or update the data manually. ## Dashboard shows Transcriber and Synthesizer Latencies A new "Speech Cloud Latencies" chart on the project dashboard shows the latencies caused by transcription and synthesis per provider. ![Auto refresh UI](cvg-latencies-of-stt-tts.png) ## Smaller Improvements ### Meaningful "channel" parameter in Cognigy Integration When establishing a call or a sending message from CVG to Cognigy, the "channel" is given as a parameter. We now send "VIER" as channel instead of a random UUID per call. When using the provisioning API you can also optionally add a `channel` name via the `botConfiguration`. In Cognigy this meaningful channel name allows analytics per channel. ### Limits on Amount of Data supplied by Custom SIP Headers Due to technical restrictions we had to limit the amount of data supplied by SIP custom headers to 128 bytes. This inlcudes the name of the custom header(s) and the value(s). We recommend to only transfer a UUID or key as a kind of link to download more information if needed.