# CVG 1.19.0 (02-Feb-2022) Since two weeks it is now possible for you as a reseller to customize the UI of CVG to the design of your company. We quickly received feedback and suggestions for improvements, some of which are so important that we responded to them right away. Additionally, Bring-Your-Own Service Account is now possible for Text-to-Speech, as it has been for Speech-to-Text for quite a while. In addition, 1.19.0 brings several improvements in terms of convenience and security. ![Escalators](escalators.jpeg) ## Bring your own TTS Service Account For quite a while it has been possible to use your own service accounts from Google or Microsoft for Speech-to-Text (STT). Now you can also use your own Text-to-Speech (TTS) service accounts for the TTS from Amazon, Google, IBM and Microsoft. Use the menu item “Speech Service Profiles” to add your TTS service account by entering your vendor specific credentials. ![Bring Your Own TTS Service Account](BYO-TTS.png) ## UI Branding for Resellers (Improvements) We have now received first suggestions for improvement from resellers who are adapting the CVG UI to their design. We have already been able to implement some of them: * White headers (in light mode) and black headers (in dark mode) are now also possible with legible fonts in the header (the font color in the header is calculated based on the header color). * The SVG graphics format is supported (and recommended by us). * And there is a default padding around the logo. ## Supply Custom Data with `session` Request if available Until now bots had to fetch custom data manually during [`/session`](https://cognitivevoice.io/specs/?urls.primaryName=Bot%20API%20(Client)#/bot/session), when they need data that was previously attached during provisioning (see [`/provision/call`](https://cognitivevoice.io/specs/?urls.primaryName=Provisioning%20API#/provisioning/provisionCall)). For improved convenience the new parameter `customDialogData` in the [`/session`](https://cognitivevoice.io/specs/?urls.primaryName=Bot%20API%20(Client)#/bot/session) request contains custom data that was attached to the dialog via the Dialog API before the session request.

Available only when using Provisioning API

Please be aware that customDialogData comes with entries only if the call has been announced by using our Provisioning API and data have been attached to the dialog by the upstream system. Otherwise the map is empty.

## Audio Playback Error Handling It's now possible provide an optional fallback text that is synthesized in case the audio file could not be played via [`/call/play`](https://cognitivevoice.io/specs/#/call/play) for any reason. Reasons could be e.g. that the server hosting the file is temporarily unavailable or that the audio file has an unsupported format. An audio playback error now also produces a health event and sets the health status to `WARNING` for the project. ## Encrypted Storage of Dialog Data Since dialog data can now be held by CVG for up to one week, this data is now stored in encrypted form. ## Fixed Bugs ### Delayed Inactivity Events In some circumstances, inactivity events were delayed. This is no longer the case.