# CVG 1.2.0 (21-Jul-2020) ## User Interface (Console) ### Billing shows Incoming and Outgoing Minutes New menu item Billing displays consumed minutes (incoming / outgoing) of a project ### Extended Dialogs History Dialogs History additionally displays duration of outgoing calls initiated via `/call/forward` or `/call/bridge`. ### Search for a project A search field integrated into the header of the page enables to search for a specific project. ### New Layout for Project View and Edit Form For better readability all information is now displayed in one column. Advanced options are hidden in a drop-down menu. Sliders are used to set a value from an interval. ## Prompt API In CVG 1.1.0, we initially introduced a new `/call/prompt` endpoint with basic support for `Number` prompts. Now, an additional `MultipleChoice` prompt type is available as well. You can find detailed information on the prompt API [here](/docs/APIs/prompt.md). We also improved the implementation of prompt timeouts. They now consistently start after the initial `text` synthesis is finished. ## Dialog API The `/dialog` API has seen a number of enhancements this release: ### New Dialog Entry Types There are three new `/dialog` entry types that can appear in `GET` operations: - `Forward`, corresponding to `/call/forward` - `Bridge`, corresponding to `/call/bridge` - `Inactivity`, corresponding to `/inactivity` in the bot API ### New Endpoint to Attach Custom Data to a Dialog Previously, `/call/data` could be used to attach a custom key-value pair to a dialog for later retrieval. We're now introducing a new `/dialog/{resellerToken}/{dialogId}/data` endpoint, which is a more natural place for this. It also supports an arbitrary amount of key-value-pairs in one request: ```json { "data": { "a": "custom", "b": "data", "c": "here" } } ``` Each key-value-pair creates one `Custom` entry. The old `/call/data` endpoint still supported but deprecated, so we suggest users migrate to the new endpoint.