# CVG 1.25.0 (08-Nov-2022) Reporting platforms provide enterprises with various reports about their businesses. Voice bots, conversational IVRs and virtual assistants are playing an increasingly important role in business. To meet the growing reporting requirements in this area, we have now released a **new API** that can be used **to automatically fetch** such **reporting data** from CVG. ![We love numbers and facts](numbers-heart.png) ## New Call Data Record API to export Dialog Metadata (CDRs) You may use your own reporting system - such as Tableau or Power BI - in your company. To support automated data transfer from CVG to your reporting system we have introduced a new [Call Data Record API](/specs/?urls.primaryName=CDR%20API). Our new Call Data Record API allows to query call data records (CDRs for short) from CVG for any accessible project for a given time range. The maximum duration that can be queried is 31 days. Supported export formats are CSV and Excel. A variety of filters allows to fetch only the data you need.

OAuth Flow (Client Credentials Flow) required

Using the endpoints of this CDR API requires an OAuth flow (Client Credentials Flow).

Service Account required

This API requires a service account for automated consumption. Service accounts can be requested via mail to support@vier.ai.

Please contact us if you would like to export additional data beyond this CDR data. ## Fixes and Improvements ### Call API: Description for Audio Playbacks You as user of a downstream system may want to know what was said in an audio file played via [`/call/play`](/specs/?urls.primaryName=Call%20API#/call/play) endpoint. To enable this an optional `description` field has been added for the [`/call/play`](/specs/?urls.primaryName=Call%20API#/call/play) endpoint. Use this `description` field as a brief summary of the audio file contents for textual summaries of the dialog, such as the dialog API. If this property is missing but `fallbackText` is present, this `fallbackText` is used as a description instead. ### UI: Deep Links and Performance Improvements Several smaller UI issues have been fixed. The dialog history deep links now includes the sort field and sort direction. Furthermore we've improved the performance of the UI. ### Calling SIP URIs To call SIP URIs via Internet we needed to adopt our infrastructure.

Whitelist new IP address

If you whitelist the IPs of our SBC in your SBC you need to add for outgoing calls (from CVG perspective).