# CVG 1.8.1 (02-Mar-2021) **Dialogflow CX** is Google's new way for designing agents, taking a state machine approach to agent design. Google promises clear and explicit control over a conversation, a better end-user experience, and a better development workflow. With this release we integrate Dialogflow CX into our Cognitive Voice Gateway to let you profit from these benefits! The integration of the "good, old dialogflow", now called Dialogflow ES, remains available. Not only that, it even received some minor improvements. With Boost, Cognigy, Dialogflow ES, Dialogflow CX, jovo, Parlamind, and Ubitec we now have seven conversational AI platforms integrated. To our knowledge, this is the largest selection on the market. **Bot templates** simplify configuration of the conversational AI platform of your choice. ## Dialogflow CX ![dialogflow cx logo](dialogflow-cx-logo.png) Dialogflow CX is now available as conversational AI platform (aka bot framework) in CVG. You can combine the speech-to-text and text-to-speech engine of your choice with dialogflow CX, just as you can with other available conversational AI platforms integrated into CVG. Advanced CVG features like prompts, recordings, and the integration with speech analytics by voiXen are available for Dialogflow CX agents as well. Check our [documentation](/docs/conversational-ai/integrations-dialogflow.html) to get more information about how to use Dialogflow CX together with CVG. ## Bot Templates ![bot templates](bot-templates.png) To simplify the configuration of your bot we have introduced bot templates. Here you can select the conversational AI framework of your choice and enter the data needed to link the framework with your CVG project. Check our [documentation](/docs/integrations-conversational-ai.html) to get more information about conversational AI frameworks you can use for your bots. ## UI: Beautified Documentation Page ![CVG documentation page](doc-page.png) We have beautified the documentation page for your convenience and pleasure.