Get an overview of project-specific key performance indicators (KPIs)

In the following you will learn how to get an overview of the following KPIs of your project:

How to get an overview of the project status of your project:


  1. You have created a project [see Create project and see Create project - advanced options].
  1. In the navigation bar under Projects, click Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to see the project status.
  3. The dashboard with the project-specific KPIs is opened.
  4. Under Project Status, click .
  5. Select Calendar.
  6. Enter the start- and end date or select the start- and end date by clicking the dates in the calendar respectively.
  7. or
    Select Time Duration.
  8. Enter the time duration. You have the following options:
  9. m for minutes
  10. h for hours
  11. D for days
  12. W for weeks
  13. M for months
  14. To confirm, click Ok.
  1. You get information on the project status, an overview of the number of calls, error events and speech service events of your project.

How to get an overview of the call statistics of your project:


  1. You have created a project [see Create project and see Create project - advanced options].
  1. In the navigation bar under Projects, click Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to see the call statistics.
  3. The dashboard with the project-specific KPIs is opened.
  4. Under Call Statistics, click .
  5. Select Calendar.
  6. Enter the start- and end date or select the start- and end date by clicking the dates in the calendar respectively.
  7. or
    Select Time Duration.
  8. Enter the time duration. You have the following options:
  9. m for minutes
  10. h for hours
  11. D for days
  12. W for weeks
  13. M for months
  14. To confirm, click Ok.
  1. For the selected period, you get an overview of the call volume, the calls by duration and the speech service usage for the selected period

How to get an overview of the speech service latencies of your project:


  1. You have created a project [see Create project and see Create project - advanced options].
  1. In the navigation bar under Projects, click Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to see the speech service latencies.
  3. The dashboard with the project-specific KPIs is opened.
  4. Under Latencies > Speech Service Latencies click .
  5. Select Calendar.
  6. Enter the start- and end date or select the start- and end date by clicking the dates in the calendar respectively.
  7. or
    Select Time Duration.
  8. Enter time duration. You have the following options:
  9. m for minutes
  10. h for hours
  11. D for days
  12. W for weeks
  13. M for months
  14. To confirm, click Ok.
  15. If you want to further specify the representation of the speech service latencies, then use Group in, Filter and Value in seconds.
  16. Via mouseover the summary of a bubble can be displayed. If you click on a bubble, details about the 10 longest speech service latencies of this bubble are displayed.
  1. You get an overview of the speech service latencies of your project for the selected period.

How to get an overview of the REST endpoint latencies of your project:


  1. You have created a project [see Create project and see Create project - advanced options].
  1. In the navigation bar under Projects, click Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to see the REST endpoint latencies.
  3. The dashboard with the project-specific KPIs is opened.
  4. Under Latencies > REST Endpoint Latencies, click .
  5. Select Calendar.
  6. Enter the start- and end date or select the start- and end date by clicking the dates in the calendar respectively.
  7. or
    Select Time Duration.
  8. Enter time duration. You have the following options:
  9. m for minutes
  10. h for hours
  11. D for days
  12. W for weeks
  13. M for months
  14. Confirm by clicking Ok.
  15. If you want to further specify the representation of the REST endpoint latencies, then use Group in, Filter and Value in seconds.
  16. Via mouseover the summary of a bubble can be displayed. If you click on a bubble, details about the 10 longest REST endpoint latencies of this bubble are displayed.
  1. You get an overview of the REST endpoint latencies of your project for the selected period.