Add a webhook

How to add a webhook:


  1. You have created a project [see Create project and see Create project - advanced options].
  2. You have a REST endpoint URL for your webhook. The REST endpoint URL is the URL of the REST endpoint, to which the events in VIER Cognitive Voice Gateway are sent to.
  3. You have a bearer token for your webhook. The bearer token is used to verify the event source at the REST endpoint.
  1. In the navigation bar under Projects, click Projects.
  2. Select a project.
  3. In the menu bar, click Integrations.
  4. Click Webhooks.
  5. Switch to Webhooks enabled.
  6. Enter the REST endpoint URL.
  7. Enter the Bearer token.
  8. Click Save.
  1. The webhook has been added to your VIER Cognitive Voice Gateway project.
  2. Integration webhooks