Get an overview of the status of a project

In VIER Cognitive Voice Gateway you have the option to call up information on the status of your project and, if applicable, on errors that have occurred in your project within a selected period of time.

How to get an overview of the status of your project:

  1. In the navigation bar under Projects, click Projects.
  2. Select the eligible project.
  3. In the menu bar, click Status.
  4. Click .
  5. Select Calendar.
  6. Enter the start- and end date or select the start- and end date by clicking the dates in the calendar respectively.
  7. or
    Select Time duration.
  8. Enter the time duration. You have the following options:
  9. m for minutes
  10. h for hours
  11. D for days
  12. W for weeks
  13. M for months
  14. To confirm, click Ok.
  1. For the selected period, you get
  1. a status message (Unknown, Project status OK, Warning, Critical)
  2. information about the number of calls
  3. information about the number of provisioning timeouts
  4. an overview of the encountered error types:

    Speech-to-text errors

    Text-to-speech errors

    audio playback errors

    rest endpoint errors

    internal errors