Ubitec Bot-Framework

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The Ubitec Bot-Framework covers all phases of editorial work and technical facets of a chatbot - from building, to monitoring, to evaluating and improving. It consists of an editorial interface to create static and dynamic content, to monitore conversations, test content automatically and analyze the most important key figures.

Project Setup in Ubitec

To connect a Bot built with the Ubitec Bot-Framework to CVG perform the following steps:

  1. Enable CVG in your Bot.

  2. Define a Quickstory as an entrypoint

  3. Add the Bot’s endpoint url to the CVG project

1. Enable CVG in your Bot.

The CVG plugin has to be enabled in the Bot via an entry in the config yaml:

  vier_cvg: true

After that, all Events, Actions and CVG endpoints are available to use in the Bot.

2. Define a Quickstory as an Entrypoint

To let the Bot know what to respond to the user when he/she starts a conversation add the VIER CVG Session event to a Quickstory. Make sure at least one Action is assigned to the channel that is used for voice calls (default: Telefon).

3. Add the Bot’s Endpoint URL to the CVG Project

The endpoint url for the voice channel consists of the Bot’s public url and the path to the voice channel (default: /chat/vier-cvg/). Add this endpoint url to the CVG project (eg. www.my-chatbot.com/chat/vier-cvg/).

Project Setup in CVG

1. Create an Account

If you do need an account in CVG please contact support@vier.ai.

2. Set up a project

To set up a Ubitec bot in CVG, create a project in CVG by filling the fields in each “SETTINGS” section. Select a “Platform Phone Number”. In the bot configuration section, you link with the the Ubitec project by selecting Ubitec as Template and by providing the Bot URL (as described above) and the Bot Token.



The dialogId from CVG is used to identify a Conversation. The user’s phone number (if provided) is saved as a user label. This label is later shown in the editorial section to identify the Conversation.

It is possible to mask (parts of the) user’s phone number. The number of digits to mask can be set via the env variable UT_EXTRA_VIER_CVG_MASK_PHONE_NUMBER_COUNT (default: 0).
The symbol to replace the mask digits can be set via UT_EXTRA_VIER_CVG_MASK_PHONE_NUMBER_SYMBOL (default: *).

Bot Answers

All Bot answers are concatenated and wrapped inside <speak></speak> tags right before requesting the /call/say endpoint. Only Actions of type StaticText and SSML are considered.

If the Bot responded with a DropCall action, the /call/drop endpoint is requested.


To respond to inactivity requests by CVG one has to add the event VIER CVG Inactivity to a Quickstory.