CVG 1.2.0 (21-Jul-2020)

User Interface (Console)

Billing shows Incoming and Outgoing Minutes

New menu item Billing displays consumed minutes (incoming / outgoing) of a project

Extended Dialogs History

Dialogs History additionally displays duration of outgoing calls initiated via /call/forward or /call/bridge.

Search for a project

A search field integrated into the header of the page enables to search for a specific project.

New Layout for Project View and Edit Form

For better readability all information is now displayed in one column. Advanced options are hidden in a drop-down menu. Sliders are used to set a value from an interval.

Prompt API

In CVG 1.1.0, we initially introduced a new /call/prompt endpoint with basic support for Number prompts. Now, an additional MultipleChoice prompt type is available as well. You can find detailed information on the prompt API here.

We also improved the implementation of prompt timeouts. They now consistently start after the initial text synthesis is finished.

Dialog API

The /dialog API has seen a number of enhancements this release:

New Dialog Entry Types

There are three new /dialog entry types that can appear in GET operations:

  • Forward, corresponding to /call/forward

  • Bridge, corresponding to /call/bridge

  • Inactivity, corresponding to /inactivity in the bot API

New Endpoint to Attach Custom Data to a Dialog

Previously, /call/data could be used to attach a custom key-value pair to a dialog for later retrieval. We’re now introducing a new /dialog/{resellerToken}/{dialogId}/data endpoint, which is a more natural place for this. It also supports an arbitrary amount of key-value-pairs in one request:

  "data": {
    "a": "custom",
    "b": "data",
    "c": "here"

Each key-value-pair creates one Custom entry.

The old /call/data endpoint still supported but deprecated, so we suggest users migrate to the new endpoint.